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Welcome to Siris Global Empowerment Inc., a financial consultancy firm dedicated to empowering individuals like kids and businesses to make wise choices about their financial freedom. Our mission is to provide unparalleled advice and guidance to our clients, ensuring they achieve their financial goals and objectives. With a team of highly skilled and experienced financial consultants, we are committed to providing the best possible financial solutions that are tailored to our client's unique needs and circumstances. At Siris Global Empowerment Inc., we believe that economic freedom is the key to leading a fulfilling life, and we are here to help you begin your journey toward financial freedom.

We believe that everyone has the power to take control of their financial future, and we are here to help you do just that.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Siris Global Empowerment Inc., we empower children worldwide with "money sense" to break the chains of poverty. Led by our president and a remarkable young visionary Iris Everett, we teach children and their families essential money knowledge. Iris' passion for reading and curiosity about money inspired her to bridge the wealth gap she witnessed between her diverse background and other parts of the globe.

Children in Indoor Playground

Our Vision

We envision a world where every child and family has the tools to transform their financial future. Through our dedication and collaborative efforts with Iris Everett LLC, and other expert financial volunteers as well as leading financial institutions we aim to create a global movement that empowers communities to thrive and rise above poverty, fostering financial empowerment for a brighter future.

Our Core Values

Financial Empowerment

Educational Excellence

Integrity and Transparency

Inclusivity and Accessibility

Continuous Innovation

Empathetic Approach

Take the First Step Towards Financial Freedom Today!

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